Articles history
- Using a Deep Learning Model on Images to Obtain a 2D Laser People Detector for a Mobile Robot. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.
- DOI:
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol. 12 num. 2 (pags 476 - 484)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel
- An Approximation to Solve Regression Problems with a Genetic Fuzzy Rule Ordinal Algorithm
- DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2019.02.012
- Applied Soft Computing vol. 1 num. 78 (pags 13 - 28)
- Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / García-Muñoz, David / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- An Incremental Approach to Address Big Data Classification Problems Using Cognitive Models
- DOI:
- Cognitive Computation vol. 11 num. 3 (pags 347 - 366)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul / Romero-Zaliz, Rocio Celeste
- Low Range of Shoulders Horizontal Abduction Predisposes for Shoulder Pain in Competitive Young Swimmers
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00478
- Frontiers in Psychology vol. 10 num. 478 (pags 1 - 9)
- Cejudo-Palomo, Antonio / Sánchez-Castillo, Shelia / Sáinz-De Baranda, Pilar / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Santoja-Medina, Fernando
- Knowledge and Information Systems
- DOI: 10.1007/s10115-018-1180-3
- Knowledge and Information Systems vol. 57 num. 3 (pags 655 - 684)
- Fernandez-Olivares, Juan
- Time Prediction on Multi-Perspective Declarative Business Processes
- DOI: 10.1007/s10115-018-1180-3
- Knowledge and Information Systems vol. 57 num. 3 (pags 655 - 684)
- Jiménez-Ramírez, Andrés / Barba-Rodríguez, Irene / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Valle-Sevillano, Carmelo del / Weber, Barbara
- Ordinal Classification Based on the Sequential Covering Strategy
- DOI:
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 76 (pags 96 - 110)
- Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / García-Muñoz, David / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Keypoints-Based Feature Extraction Method for Iris Recognition under Variable Image Quality Conditions
- DOI:
- Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 92 num. 15 (pags 169 - 182)
- Alvarez-Betancourt, Yuniol / García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Multiscale Algorithm for Nuclei Extraction in Pap Smear Images
- DOI:
- Expert Systems with Applications vol. 64 (pags 512 - 522)
- Garcia-González, Dibet / García-Silvente, Miguel / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Certificación Profesional Como Herramienta Formativa en Grado en Ingeniería Informática en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Córdoba
- International Journal for 21St Century Education vol. 3 num. 2016 (pags 65 - 81)
- Palomares-Muñoz, Jose Manuel / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Gómez-Luna, Juan / Soto-Hidalgo, Jose Manuel / Zafra-Gómez, Amelia
- Web: Leer artículo
- An Interpretability Improvement for Fuzzy Rule Bases Obtained by the Iterative Rule Learning Approach
- DOI:
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 67 (pags 37 - 58)
- García-Muñoz, David / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Three New Instance Selection Methods Based on Local Sets: a Comparative Study with Several Approaches from a Bi-Objective Perspective
- DOI: doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2014.10.001
- Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 48 num. 4 (pags 1523 - 1537)
- Leyva-Miranda, Enrique José / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- A Set of Complexity Measures Designed for Applying Meta-Learning to Instance Selection
- DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2014.2327034
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering vol. 27 num. 2 (pags 354 - 367)
- Leyva-Miranda, Enrique José / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Simuladores de Planificadores de Sistemas en Tiempo Real
- Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Ingeniería de Computadores num. 5 (pags 105 - 114)
- Aliaga-García, Francisco J. / Aliaga-García, Isabel M. / Olivares-Bueno, Joaquín / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Palomares-Muñoz, Jose Manuel
- A Knowledge-Based Architecture for the Management of Patient-Focused Care Pathways
- DOI: 10.1007/s10489-013-0466-0
- Applied Intelligence vol. 40 num. 3 (pags 497 - 524)
- Sánchez-Garzón, Inmaculada / González-Ferrer, Arturo / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan
- Web: Leer artículo
- Overview of the Slave Learning Algorithm: a Review of Its Evolution and Prospects
- DOI: 10.1080/18756891.2014.967008
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol. 7 num. 6 (pags 1194 - 1221)
- García-Muñoz, David / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- On the Use of Meta-Learning for Instance Selection: An Architecture and a Preliminary Study
- DOI:
- Information Sciences
- Leyva-Miranda, Enrique José / Caises, Yoel / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Feature Construction Approach for Genetic Iterative Rule Learning Algorithms
- DOI:
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences vol. 80 num. 1 (pags 101 - 117)
- García-Muñoz, David / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- An Overview of Iris Recognition: a Bibliometric Analysis of the Period 2000-2012
- DOI: 10.1007/s11192-014-1336-1
- Scientometrics vol. 101 num. 3 (pags 2003 - 2033)
- Alvarez-Betancourt, Yuniol / García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- Knowledge-Based Instance Selection: a Compromise between Efficiency and Versatility.
- DOI:
- Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 47 (pags 65 - 76)
- Leyva-Miranda, Enrique José / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Automated Generation of Patient-Tailored Electronic Care Pathways by Translating Computer Interpretable Guidelines into Hierarchical Task Networks
- DOI: 10.1016/j.artmed.2012.08.008
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine vol. 57 num. 2 (pags 91 - 109)
- González-Ferrer, Arturo / Ten Teije-,Annette / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Milian-,Krystyna
- Web: Leer artículo
- From Business Process Models to Hierarchical Task Network Planning Domains
- DOI:
- Knowledge Engineering Review vol. 28 num. 2 (pags 1 - 18)
- González-Ferrer, Arturo / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Castillo-Vidal, Luis
- Web: Leer artículo
- On the Automatic Compilation of E-Learning Models to Planning
- DOI:
- Knowledge Engineering Review vol. 28 num. 2 (pags 1 - 18)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Garrido-Tejero, Antonio / Fernández, Susana / Morales-Reynaga, Lluvia Carolina / Onaindia, Eva / Borrajo, Daniel / Castillo-Vidal, Luis
- Web: Leer artículo
- Propuesta de Asignatura Virtual para el Máster de Formación del Profesorado: Plataformas de Enseñanza Virtual.
- Iniciación a la Investigación vol. E5 num. A2
- Avila-Jiménez, José Luis / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Ventura, Sebastian
- Aplicación de Pca y Técnicas Bayesianas a la Clasificación de Píxeles Basada en Color
- Iniciación a la Investigación vol. 5 num. 5 (pags 1 - 11)
- Soto-Hidalgo, Jose Manuel / Chamorro-Martínez, Jesús / Palomares-Muñoz, Jose Manuel / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Olivares-Bueno, Joaquín
- A New Fuzzy Based Algorithm for Solving Stereo Vagueness in Detecting and Tracking People. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
- DOI:
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 53 num. 4 (pags 693 - 708)
- Paúl-Miranda de Oliveira, Rui Filipe / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael
- Web: Leer artículo
- An Efficient Inductive Genetic Learning Algorithm for Fuzzy Relational Rules
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol. 5 num. 2 (pags 212 - 230)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul / Caises, Yoel / Leyva-Miranda, Enrique José
- A Filter Proposal for Including Feature Construction in a Genetic Learning Algorithm
- DOI:
- International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 20 num. 2 (pags 31 - 49)
- García-Muñoz, David / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Segmentation of Cervical Cell Nuclei in High-Resolution Microscopic Images: : a New Algorithm and a Web-Based Software Framework
- DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2011.09.017
- Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine vol. 107 num. 3 (pags 497 - 512)
- Bergmeir-, Christoph / García-Silvente, Miguel / Benitez-Sanchez, Jose Manuel
- Web: Leer artículo
- Combining Instance Selection Methods Based on Data Characterization: An Approach to Increase Their Effectiveness
- Information Sciences vol. 181 (pags 4780 - 4798)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul / Leyva-,Enrique / Caises-,Yoel
- Web: Leer artículo
- Supporting Clinical Processes and Decisiones by Hierarchical Planning and Scheduling
- DOI:
- Computational Intelligence vol. 27 num. 1 (pags 102 - 122)
- Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Cozar-,Juan A. / García-Pérez, Óscar Jesús
- Web: Leer artículo
- Learning Fpga Design by a Methodology Based on Projects
- International Journal of Engineering Education vol. 27 num. 3 (pags 509 - 517)
- Olivares-Bueno, Joaquín / Palomares-Muñoz, Jose Manuel / Soto-Hidalgo, Jose Manuel / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos
- Web: Leer artículo
- License Plate Detection Based on Genetic Neural Networks, Morphology, and Active Contours
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13033-5_31
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6098 num. III (pags 301 - 310)
- Olivares-Bueno, Joaquín / Palomares-Muñoz, Jose Manuel / Soto-Hidalgo, Jose Manuel / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos
- Automatic Generation of Temporal Planning Domains for E-Learning Problems
- DOI: 10.1007/s10951-009-0140-x
- Journal of Scheduling vol. 13 num. 4 (pags 347 - 362)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Morales-Reynaga, Lluvia Carolina / González-Ferrer, Arturo / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Borrajo, Daniel / Onaindia, Eva
- Web: Leer artículo
- Improving the Genetic Algorithm of Slave
- Mathware & Soft Computing vol. 16 (pags 59 - 70)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Scsi: Combining Instance Selection Method to Increase Their Effectiveness over a Wide Range of Domains
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5788 (pags 17 - 24)
- Caises-,Yoel / Leyva-Miranda, Enrique José / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Fuzzy Certainty on Fuzzy Values
- Control and Cybernetics vol. 38 num. 2 (pags 311 - 339)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Marín-Ruiz, Nicolás / Pons-Capote, Olga / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
- Multi-Agent System for People Detection and Tracking Using Stereo Vision in Mobile Robots
- Robotica vol. 27 num. 5 (pags 715 - 727)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Ayesh-, Aladdin / Gongora-,Mario
- Web: Leer artículo
- The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop
- Ai Magazine vol. 30 num. 1 (pags 119 - 120)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Cortellesa, Gabriella / Yorke-Smith, Neil
- Web: Leer artículo
- Automatic Tuning of a Fuzzy Visual System Using Evolutionary Algorithms: Single-Objective Versus Multiobjective Approaches
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol. 16 num. 2 (pags 485 - 501)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Cordón-García, Oscar / García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Multiple Object Tracking Approach That Combines Colour and Depth Information Using a Confidence Measure
- Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 29 num. 10 (pags 1504 - 1514)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Samap: An User-Oriented Adaptive System for Planning Tourist Visits
- Expert Systems with Applications vol. 34 num. 2 (pags 1318 - 1332)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Borrajo-,Daniel / Sebastiá-,Laura / Fernández-,Susana
- Web: Leer artículo
- Adaptive Multi-Modal Stereo People Tracking Without Background Modelling
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation vol. 19 num. 2 (pags 75 - 91)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / García-Silvente, Miguel / Medina-Carnicer, Rafael
- Web: Leer artículo
- Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability-Accuracy Trade-Off
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 44 num. 1 (pags 1 - 3)
- Casillas-Barranquero, Jorge / Herrera-Triguero, Francisco / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul / Del Jesus-Diaz, María José / Villar-Castro, Pedro
- Web: Leer artículo
- Qualification of Fuzzy Statements under Fuzzy Certainty
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4529 (pags 162 - 170)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Pons-Capote, Olga / Vila-,Amparo
- A New Person Tracking Method for Human-Robot Interaction Intended for Mobile Devices
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pags 747 - 757)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Paúl-Miranda de Oliveira, Rui Filipe
- Web: Leer artículo
- Continuous Stereo Gesture Recognition with Multi-Layered Motion Templates and Support Vector Machines
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. LNAI num. 4827 (pags 789 - 799)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Gómez-,Moisés
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Fuzzy System for Detection of Interaction Demanding and Nodding Assent Based on Stereo Vision
- Journal of Physical Agents vol. 1 num. 1 (pags 15 - 25)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Paúl-Miranda de Oliveira, Rui Filipe
- Web: Leer artículo
- Handling Fuzzy Temporal Constraints in a Planning Environment
- Annals of Operation Research vol. 155 num. 1 (pags 391 - 415)
- De la Asunción-Hernández, Marc / Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / García-Pérez, Óscar Jesús / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Palao-Reines, Francisco Carlos
- People Detection and Tracking Using Stereo Vision and Color
- Image and Vision Computing vol. 25 num. 6 (pags 995 - 1007)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- Detection of Doors Using a Genetic Visual Fuzzy System for Mobile Robots
- Autonomous Robots vol. 21 num. 2 (pags 123 - 141)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- People Detection and Tracking Using Stereo Vision and Color
- Image and Vision Computing vol. 25 num. 6 (pags 995 - 1007)
- García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- People Detection and Tracking Through Stereo Vision for Human-Robot Interaction
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3798 (pags 337 - 346)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Siadex: An Interactive Artificial Intelligence Planner for Decision Support in Forest Fire Fighting
- Ai Communications vol. 18 num. 4 (pags 247 - 256)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / De la Asunción-Hernández, Marc / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / García-Pérez, Óscar Jesús / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Palao-Reines, Francisco Carlos
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Genetic Rule Weighting and Selection Process for Fuzzy Control of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence vol. 18 num. 3 (pags 279 - 296)
- Alcalá-Fernández, Rafael / Casillas-Barranquero, Jorge / Cordón-García, Oscar / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Herrera-Triguero, Francisco
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Multi-Agent System Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Fuzzy and Visual Behaviors
- Robotica vol. 23 (pags 689 - 699)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Gómez-Rodríguez,Moisés
- A Fuzzy Perceptual Model for Map Building and Navigation of Mobile Robots
- Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering vol. 11 num. 3 (pags 239 - 258)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Argudo-Argudo, Jose Fidel / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Door-Detection Using Computer Vision and Fuzzy Logic
- Wseas Transactions on Systems vol. 3 num. 10 (pags 3047 - 3052)
- Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael / Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / García-Silvente, Miguel / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- A Fuzzy Perceptual Model for Ultrasound Sensors Applied to Intelligent Navigation of Mobile Robots
- Applied Intelligence vol. 19 num. 3 (pags 171 - 188)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Fuzzy Control of Hvac Systems Optimized by Genetic Algorithms
- Applied Intelligence vol. 18 num. 2 (pags 155 - 177)
- Alcalá-Fernández, Rafael / Benitez-Sanchez, Jose Manuel / Casillas-Barranquero, Jorge / Cordón-García, Oscar / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Uncertain Fuzzy Values Still in the Framework of First-Order Logic
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 17 num. 9 (pags 873 - 886)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Pons-Capote, Olga / Cubero-Talavera, Juan Carlos / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
- Integrating Fuzzy Topological Maps and Fuzzy Geometric Maps for Behavior-Based Robots
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 17 num. 3 (pags 333 - 368)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Efficient Use of Hierarchical Knowledge to Improve the Performance of a Hierarchical Planner
- Planet News vol. 4 (pags 5 - 12)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Including a Simplicity Criterion in the Selection of the Best Rule in a Genetic Fuzzy Learning Algorithm
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 120 num. 2 (pags 309 - 321)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Multi-Agent System Based on Fuzzy Logic Applied to Robocup'S Environment
- Mathware & Soft Computing vol. 8 num. 2 (pags 153 - 178)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Gámez-Granados, Juan Carlos / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- A Multicriteria Genetic Tuning for Fuzzy Logic Controllers
- Mathware & Soft Computing vol. 8 num. 2 (pags 179 - 201)
- Alcalá-Fernández, Rafael / Casillas-Barranquero, Jorge / Castro-Peña, Juan Luis / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Herrera-Triguero, Francisco
- Mixing Expressiveness and Efficiency in a Manufacturing Planner
- Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence vol. 13 num. 2 (pags 141 - 162)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Selection of Relevant Features in a Fuzzy Genetic Learning Algorithm
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics vol. 31 num. 3 (pags 417 - 425)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- An Experimental Study About the Search Mechanism in the Slave Learning Algorithm: Hill-Climbing Methods Versus Genetic Algorithms
- Information Sciences vol. 136 num. 1-4 (pags 159 - 174)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Fuzzy Behaviors for Mobile Robot Navigation: Design, Coordination and Fusion
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 25 num. 3 (pags 255 - 289)
- Aguirre-Molina, Eugenio / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Hybrid Planning Architecture for the Design of Control Programs in Manufacturing Systems
- Planet News vol. 1 (pags 23 - 26)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Intelligent Planning of Grafcet Charts
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing vol. 16 num. 4 (pags 225 - 239)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Automatic Generation of Control Sequences for Manufacturing Systems Based on Partial Order Planning Techniques
- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering vol. 14 num. 1 (pags 15 - 30)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- A Three-Level Knowledge-Based System for the Generation of Live and Safe Petri Nets for Manufacturing Systems
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing vol. 11 num. 6 (pags 559 - 572)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Autonomous Program Environment Eliminates Bottlenecks
- Amt. Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis
- Dealing with Uncertainty and Imprecision by Means of Fuzzy Numbers
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 21 num. 3 (pags 233 - 256)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Pons-Capote, Olga / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
- Web: Leer artículo
- Un Algoritmo de Planificación No Lineal para la Generación Automática de Programas de Control Industrial
- Inteligencia Artificial (pags 40 - 53)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Fernandez-Olivares, Juan / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Slave: a Genetic Learning System Based on An Iterative Approach
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems vol. 7 num. 2 (pags 176 - 191)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- A Study About the Inclusion of Linguistic Hedges in a Fuzzy Rule Learning Algorithm
- International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 7 num. 3 (pags 257 - 266)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Completeness and Consistency Conditions for Learning Fuzzy Rules
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 96 num. 1 (pags 37 - 51)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- A Fuzzy Theory Refinement Algorithm
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 19 num. 3-4 (pags 193 - 220)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Refinement of a Fuzzy Control Rule Set
- Mathware & Soft Computing vol. 5 num. 2-3 (pags 175 - 187)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Web: Leer artículo
- Un Algoritmo de Aprendizaje de Reglas Basado en el Metodo Genetico Iterativo
- Inteligencia Artificial (pags 44 - 49)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul
- Distribution Network Optimization: Finding the Most Economic Solution by Using Genetic Algorithms
- European Journal of Operational Research vol. 108 num. 3 (pags 527 - 537)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Web: Leer artículo
- Distribution Networks Optimization: Finding the Most Economical Solution by Using Genetic Algorithms
- European Journal of Operational Research vol. 108 num. 3 (pags 527 - 537)
- Castillo-Vidal, Luis / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Boundary Simplification Using a Multiscale Dominant-Point Detection Algorithm
- Pattern Recognition vol. 31 num. 6 (pags 791 - 804)
- Garrido-Carrillo, Antonio / Pérez de la Blanca-Capilla, Nicolás / García-Silvente, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- Multi-State Genetic Fuzzy Systems Based on the Iterative Rule Learning Approach
- Mathware & Soft Computing vol. 4 num. 3 (pags 233 - 249)
- Herrera-Triguero, Francisco / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- A New Edge Detector Integrating Scale-Spectrum Information
- Image and Vision Computing vol. 15 num. 12 (pags 913 - 923)
- García-Silvente, Miguel / Fernandez-Valdivia, Joaquin / Garrido-Carrillo, Antonio / García-Soria, José Antonio
- The Novel Scale-Spectrum Space for Representing Gray-Level Shape
- Pattern Recognition vol. 30 num. 3 (pags 367 - 382)
- García-Silvente, Miguel / García-Soria, José Antonio / Fernandez-Valdivia, Joaquin
- Simplifying Cartographic Boundaries by Using a Measure of Ambiguity
- Computers & Geosciences vol. 22 num. 6 (pags 607 - 623)
- García-Silvente, Miguel / Fernandez-Valdivia, Joaquin / García-Soria, José Antonio
- An Evaluation of the Novel ''Normalized-Redundancy'' Representation for Planar Curves
- International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence vol. 10 num. 7 (pags 769 - 789)
- García-Silvente, Miguel / Fernandez-Valdivia, Joaquin / García-Soria, José Antonio
- A Learning Methodology in Uncertain and Imprecise Environments
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 10 num. 4 (pags 357 - 371)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Further Contributions to the Study of the Average Value for Ranking Fuzzy Numbers
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 10 num. 2 (pags 135 - 153)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Campos-,Lourdes
- A Frequency Model in a Fuzzy Environment
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 11 num. 2 (pags 159 - 174)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
- Learning the Structure of a Fuzzy Rule: a Genetic Approach
- Fuzzy Systems - Reports and Letters vol. 3 num. 1 (pags 57 - 70)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Perez-Rodriguez, Francisco Gabriel Raul / Verdegay-Galdeano, Jose Luis
- An Inductive Learning Procedure to Identify Fuzzy-Systems
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 55 num. 2 (pags 121 - 132)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel
- A Fuzzy Inference Model-Based on An Uncertainty Forward Propagation Approach
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 9 num. 2 (pags 139 - 164)
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel de / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Empirical Learning in a Fuzzy Environment
- Automazione S Strumentazione vol. 11 (pags 14 - 19)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- On the Use of Ranking Function Approach to Solve Fuzzy Matrix Games in a Direct Way
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 49 num. 1 (pags 193 - 203)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Campos-,Lourdes / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
- Dominance Relations of Fuzzy Numbers
- Information Sciences vol. 64 (pags 1 - 16)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
- Fuzzy Matrix Games Considering the Criteria of the Players
- Kybernetes vol. 20 num. 1 (pags 17 - 28)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Campos-,Lourdes
- A Discrete Method for Studying Indifference and Order Relations between Fuzzy Numbers
- Information Sciences vol. 56 num. 1 (pags 245 - 258)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo
- A Study of the Ranking Function Approach Through Mean Values
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems (pags 29 - 41)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- A Subjective Approach for Ranking Fuzzy Numbers
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 29 (pags 145 - 153)
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel de / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- Convergence Properties of the Monotone Expectation and Its Applications to the Extension of Fuzzy Measures
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 33 (pags 201 - 212)
- Bolaños-Carmona, Manuel Jorge / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel de / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio
- On Subjective Order Relations between Fuzzy Numbers
- Busefal vol. 33 (pags 9 - 18)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel de
- Máximo y Mínimo en una Subclase de Números Difusos
- Cuadernos de Estadística Matemática. Seria A. Probabilidad (pags 107 - 120)
- Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Vila-Miranda, María Amparo